

The contents and design of this website are protected by copyright. This website may only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. Any reproduction and duplication in any other media requires prior approval by VVS.

The product and company names used on this website may be registered trademarks whose rights are owned by the trademark holder.

Contents of the Website

The information provided on these internet pages is correct to the best of our knowledge. In view of the wealth of the materials provided, however, errors or inconsistencies are not entirely avoidable despite the great care we take in processing them. Because of this, VVS provides no warranty regarding the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided on these pages.

Despite our comprehensive security measures, it is not always possible to prevent technical defects. VVS therefore assumes no liability for any service interruptions or other errors caused by defects in the data or software. This also applies to damages caused by computer viruses during the displaying or downloading of data or damages caused by the installation or use of software.

The VVS website contains links to the websites of other providers. VVS assumes no responsibility for the content of third-party websites reached via links. These links have been selected carefully, and their respective content was checked at the time of the initial connection. However, links are always dynamic. It is possible that the contents of a linked website have been changed without VVS' knowledge. It is neither our intention nor within our power to review such contents continuously. VVS has no ownership of such contents or their design and expressly rejects all contents that may constitute civil or criminal violations or that may violate moral standards. The liability for damages from the use or non-use of third-party websites shall be with the provider of the linked website exclusively.

The editors request that users alert them to any possible unlawful or erroneous third-party content to which the VVS web pages are linked. Similarly, the editors request that they be notified if any of our own content is inaccurate, out of date, or incomplete.


Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart GmbH (VVS)
Rotebühlstraße 121
D-70178 Stuttgart, Germany

Phone: 0711 6606-0

Managing Directors

Cornelia Christian

Commercial Register

Local Court Stuttgart HRB 7357

Tax Identification Number

DE 147800319


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Geobase Information

© 2015, Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landentwicklung Baden-Württemberg,, Az.: 2851.2-D/6073.
© Stadtmessungsamt Stuttgart
© OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

Real-Time Data

Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG

DB Regio AG

Regional Bus Stuttgart GmbH RBS

Bader Reisen GmbH

Omnibus Dannenmann Linien- und Reiseverkehr GmbH

Esslinger Omnibus Verkehr E. Fischle GmbH & Co. KG

Omnibusverkehr Robert Flattich GmbH & Ko. KG

Haussmann & Bauer Omnibus GmbH & Co. KG

KAPPUS-Reisen GmbH & Co. KG

Knauss Reisen Dieter Frank GmbH & Co. KG

Knisel Bus + Reisen GmbH & Co. KG

Ludwigsburger Verkehrslinien Reisebüro Jäger GmbH

Eugen Melchinger Omnibus-Verkehr

Omnibusverkehr Ruoff GmbH

Omnibus-Verkehr Kirchheim GmbH

Pflieger Reise- und Verkehrs GmbH & Co. KG

Albert Rexer GmbH & Co. KG

Omnibus Schlienz Reisebüro GmbH & Co. KG

Seitter Reise- und Verkehrsgesellschaft GmbH

Seiz Reisen GmbH

Omnibusverkehr Spillmann GmbH

Städtischer Verkehrsbetrieb Esslingen am Neckar

Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft mbH

Wöhr Tours GmbH