Long-Distance Transport on the Road

Numerous bus companies stop at Stuttgart. There are long-distance coaches to Freiburg, Constance, Munich, Frankfurt, Nuremberg and many other destinations. Bookings can be made on the transport providers’ internet portals. In Stuttgart, the coaches depart from Stuttgart Vaihingen or from the airport, for example. All points of departure are easy to reach with VVS transport services. Note: The VVS fare does not cover the following offers. Separate tickets need to be purchased.

Searching on Omio allows you to compare travelling options by plane, train, long-distance coaches and car and to filter them by journey time or price. The different travelling options may also be combined.


Transport service providers in the region of Stuttgart

Comparison and booking portals

The following companies also offer price-check and booking portals for long-distance coaches:

A comparison of search databases for long-distance coaches is available here:
