Single Ticket

  • From the moment of purchase, the Single Ticket is valid for 3 hours for a journey in the direction of the destination.
  • Change of vehicles and interruption of the journey are permitted, round and return trips are not permitted.

Prices Single Ticket

EinzelTicket ErwachseneEinzelTicket Kinder
6 - 14 years
7 and more (entire network)10,6010,205,104,85

Further Information

Where to buy the Single Ticket
  • Ticket machines
  • Bus drivers
  • As a HandyTicket on your mobile phone via the VVS Mobil app (5% cheaper)
  • At some ticket offices
Information on buying tickets
Means of transport and areas covered by the Single Ticket
  • S-Bahn, regional trains (RB, RE, IRE), city railway, buses, rack railway and funicular railway
  • Stuttgart and the surrounding districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Ludwigsburg, the Rems-Murr district and trains from/to Geislingen and Lorch

Note: VVS tickets are also valid on IC trains between Stuttgart and Bondorf.

What are round and return trips?

Return trips are journeys back to the point of departure on the same route as on the outward journey.
Round trips are journeys that lead back to the point of departure or a point nearby on a different route, or to another point that could already have been reached on the outward journey.